
Showing posts from December, 2020

What and why sex education ?

- Anchita Thiagarajan and Chunmithra C.V With the increase in discussion about sex among the youth, we often see that the only and primary form of sex knowledge that they receive is through the adult film industry - porn. And the major issue with this is that porn does not show the nuances of the sex and the psychological, social and physiological long term effects of sexual intercourse of any form. It does not show consent of any form nor does it show how it actually happens. Porn is basically an Alice in wonderland version of sex and life. You know you can't pay for taxis via sex, but still, it’s on the internet. We do understand that proper and correct information of sex, sexuality, conception and contraception is needed, where we lack is to bridge the differences between our generation and the older generation and make them understand the importance of sex ed.  What is sex education? Sex education is defined as a broad program that aims to build a strong foundation for lifelong

Date rape ?!

- Anchita Thiagarajan Yes, I am actually talking out about this. Even though we have just started talking about consent and forms of rapes, we often tend to miss this subset of acquaintance rape - date rape.  Let's dissect the word itself first. What is date? DATE IS NOT CONSENT TO SEX OR ANY FORM OF SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP. date is a social meeting planned between two people who wants to get to know each other better and check their compatability. Dating may or may not lead to a romantic relationship later. What is rape ? Rape is any form of non consensual sexual realtionship between two people, here the sexual intercourse is non consensual and the perpetrator carries out the sexual intercourse against the will of the victim. The sexual intercourse does not only mean penetration, even non consensual kiss, oral or anal is also considered to be rape. And when the consent once given is withdrawn by either of the partner and if the other person does not stop, that is also rape. Now that w