
Showing posts from September, 2020

Uniform checking a form of sexual harassment?

- Anchita Thiagrajan and Chunmithra CV I write about a lot of things, from gender discrimination, mental health awareness to the discrimination based on sexual orientation. And on a daily basis I do get threats, harassed and even some extremely graphic rape threats. But the one topic which made me receive the most threats was when I talked about sexual harassment in school. I also was a part of that community for a long time. I also liked to think that school was a safe space for the kids. But I realised sooner than others that it was just a mere facade. In the name of protecting the kids from the “exposure” of the sexual urges. From teachers checking the skirt hem length in class 4 to being slut-shamed by the same teacher in 8th class for being friends with guys. Casual sexism has permeated into our education institution so deeply that no one seems to care. We have been constantly told to hide the fact that we have boobs, wear the tightest bras that by the time the school finishes the

Homosexuality and Indian Army

Discrimination though being an illegal activity in India as of 1950, it is still being practised prevalently in hindsight. Be it towards sex, caste, race religion or sexual orientation, people are not shy to call out them in derogatory terms or even threaten them and harass them in all and every way possible. The discrimination faced by females in workplaces i s a whole different topic which roots from a very young age. But here we are going to discuss a much less discussed topic by other bloggers and newspapers. Discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ members in workplaces.  Be it some other person sex life, or just the way one dresses, us Indian do not shy away from judging people as soon as we lay our eyes upon them. We are constantly thought to put people into categories in our minds and talk to each one of them differently as of how you have placed them in the category. Knowingly or unknowingly, we do discriminate among people and it is mostly the ones who do it knowingly and want to hurt

Brief history of bisexuality: from ancient greece, to kinsey scale to kristen stewart.

  “You are not confused if you are bisexual” - told Kristen Stewart in an interview to the guardian, and it basically encompasses the whole meaning. Bisexuality is wrongly misinterpreted to being something modern and new. Rather bisexuality is present from the date we know. From Greeks to Japanese, all have had bisexuality as an important part of their history. To be frank, folks back then were actually way more liberal and open while talking about sex and sexuality than we are today.  On bisexual awareness week, it is imperative to all in the fam and even those who aren't, to understand the history of bisexuality and how it was viewed in various period of times. So starting up with the culture which has openly viewed sexuality in the most naked and steamy way possible…… THE ANCIENT GREECE: Greece not only has the most beautiful architecture but also has the most heartwarming stories of gay and bisexual love throughout history. from the story of apollo and hyacinth, they have given

Why did Tik-Tok feel like a queer space?

Tik - Tok initially wasn't my thing, or probably it just wasn't there for long enough for me to discover in it. Being conditioned that Tik-Tok basically is a place to find cringe content, I made a pact with my brother to never download it ever.  Probably I just didn't see it with a different lens perhaps. Even though I never downloaded Tik- Tok I found the majority of its content on Instagram. The more of these videos that I watched, the more it made sense to me, the subject of these videos were not random or unnecessary (though a few were). The stealth of Tik-Tok creators have managed to capitalise on the open fields of love and desire. Being in India, talking openly about love and desire did pave a way for its downfall, but it also represented the queer and LGBTQ+ community largely. From men being disguised as women, wearing makeup and women wearing football shorts and oversized T-shirts, what these content creators did for fun actually, in fact, represented the normal da

Will Gender Equality Help us?

  In 1915, on the eve of one of the great suffrage demonstrations down the fifth avenue in NYC, a writer in New York, wrote an article in a magazine, and the title of the article was; “Feminism for Men”. The first line of the article was: “feminism for the first time will make it possible for men to be free”. Now when we talk about gender equality, there is a common misconception that it means voicing females, helping females, and giving them equality. Well, on the periphery, they got it half right. Gender equality is giving voice for men too, helping them too, and giving them equality too. Gender equality is good for countries as well. It turns out, most of the studies indicated that the countries that are the most gender-equal contains more happier population. Ok, philosophical reason aside. There is an indication by the catalyst and other research organization that gender equality results in better work performances in companies, which in turn increases the revenue of these compan