What is the difference between YOU and successful people?

- Anchita Thiagarajan     

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You might have often wondered, “why am I not so successful like Karen?” “What am I doing so wrong?” or even “what should I do to become successful?”. Well then, I hope this article is going to help you.

I myself had a lit idea once, but then I brushed it off by saying, probably it won't work, and that the idea in itself is stupid and I should not do it. Well, guess what, I recently saw an advertisement on the television about the same thing that I had an idea about 5 years ago. Then I did some digging on that company, guess what? I had that goddamn idea before that company even started. 

When I had that idea, I hit my Inner snooze button I said that “Nah not now” and I shut that idea off. this is very similar to the snooze button in our alarm, we tap on snooze every single morning because we feel comfortable in our bed, it is cozy in there and no worries of the world can stop you there. That is the reason we hit snooze every morning. Similarly, when we get an idea, we hit the snooze button and go on doing our daily routine, because we don’t want to be uncomfortable, and go out of the because and risk your savings or age!

For us to do something, we need an external force or motivation to do it, unless you are a heck of a motivated person. Now, this energy is called the activation energy by chemists. Every time we hit that snooze button, we lack that activation energy, and we blame the society to not motivate you. Well, the problem lies within you. One day, just one day try not to hit that snooze button and wake up once the alarm goes off. make the bed, and drink your morning coffee/tea near the windowsill. You will feel pretty much accomplished for the day, because finally you have won the battle you vs. you, and this is the stepping stone to become successful. (I know this sounds like it is written by your mother, but it is true, try it).

the third and the final step in the long journey to becoming a successful person is………… 

(drum roll)

The 5- seconds rule. Yup, you read that right. Psychologists say that, if you don’t act on something you think you want to do in the 5 seconds of thinking it, you will start thinking of the reason why to not do it and end up not doing it at all. We have all been there right, you have been binge-watching your favorite series, and you finally see the time, it is 12:30 am and you think that its high time you have got to sleep, in just 5 seconds you will feel like “only 20 minutes is left, well I might as well just finish this episode” and after that 20 minutes that episode ends in a cliff hanger, and you just press the “next episode” without even thinking twice. So now that 20 minutes has just turned into a whole night of binge-watching.

But this is also the reason why we don't act upon a lot of bad ideas like jumping off a cliff or anything. And this is what makes us more of a critical thinker than any other animal. 

This 5-second rule is not just for trivial things like this. But I wish I acted upon that thought I had 5 years ago within 5 seconds, probably I would’ve been a woman running a successful business.

So stop wondering, and start acting, you might as well end up an investment-worthy idea or you won’t, but at least you won’t regret not doing anything, because you goddamn well-tried.



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